Children are the most valuable treasures in a family. It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that their children are safe in all environments to which they are exposed. At school, the teachers and the school authority are responsible to ensure the safety of a child. However, it can be observed that there is a great breach of responsibility happening in case of the travel of the children to school from home and back on the school bus.
It is estimated that around 25 million children use school buses for their travel in the United States. There is another shocking estimation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which says that around 173 children died in school bus crashes between the years 2003 and 2012. This shows that it is very important to know and implement the laws regarding school buses.
Children riding on school buses are considered safer than the ones riding on private vehicles. This is because school buses are specially designed to ensure the safety of the kids traveling in them. However, there is certain responsibility for the other motorists on the road in ensuring the safety of the children traveling in a school bus. Here are some important tips for motorists:
Know the Laws Regarding the School Buses
If you see a red light flashing on the school bus while driving, it is a signal for you to stop. Also, look out for the stop sign arm from a school bus. These are the signals to convey the message that the school bus is either unloading or loading children. You should not move until the sign from the bus changes. Some school buses have yellow lights flashing on them, which indicates the other vehicles to slow down because the school bus is going to stop.
Be Cautious While Riding near a School Bus
Probably, the school bus drivers do not have a clear view of the other vehicles. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the other drivers on the road to drive safely near a school bus to ensure the safety of the bus and the children sitting inside the bus. It is not good to follow a school bus so close or to stop the vehicle suddenly in front of the bus.
Mind the Speed Limits near a School
You must strictly follow the speed limit while driving near a school. There might be children crossing or a school bus driving in or out of the school. Look for the flashing lights, which indicate that children are being picked up or dropped off.
If in any case, your child meets with a school bus accident, seek the help of a bus accident attorney as early as possible.